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New paper “Contactless AF-SIW phase shifters based on periodic structures at mmWaves”

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Our member Cleofás Segura-Gómez has published a paper entitled: ‘Contactless AF-SIW phase shifters based on periodic structures at mmWaves’. This paper presents different phase shifter designs implemented in contactless air-filled substrate integrated waveguide (CLAF-SIW) technology.
The paper describes how the phase shifters are based on unit cells that avoid leakage losses in the assembled layers and produce the desired phase shift along the waveguide.
In addition, it has fabricated some prototypes to provide experimental validation of the proposed phase shifters. Good agreement was obtained between simulated and measured results for all CLAF-SIW phase shifters in the frequency range between 30 and 50 GHz.
We congratulate our researcher for this contribution!